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« Rob Mathes Musical Director for Obama Inauguration | Main | Leaving Trinity Church »

March 22, 2009


Jim Schaffer

Hey you. I am now at a new charity (did I tell you?) called Good Counsel -- homes for homeless families. On the pro-life front as well (not many Obama fans here!). Jim Wallis is a big deal again, now with this administration. The Greenbelt festival sounds exciting. Good luck. Good thing i got out of longterm health insurance (not that I was ever in it other than for a serious dose of utter humilitaion) -- Obama is going to make healthcare universal! Blessings on you. Jim Schaffer -- [email protected]; 203-912-2802

Gail Henderson-Belsito

Ian, that sounds like it was quite the conference. I hope and pray that all the planning and preparation for the upcoming events goes well. You are doing some very, very interesting and exciting stuff these days. I like coming to the blog to see where you are and what you are up to. Thanks for sharing tales of your adventures here.

Blessings to you, Anne, and the children in this Easter season.
And peace, dear Ian, peace.

Tom Balderston

From Greenwich to Florida. Have followed from afar, but recently my daughter gave me your Blog address. She, residing currently in Riverside, is considering attending Trinity. Know R. Woolworth well too. In process of having a book published - Wake Up Wake Up - The Testimony of a Layman, which Neely Towe so graciously provided an endorsement. Final Draft complete, about to go to layout and production - many months away. Check my Blog - for updates and commentary on other topics of interest to a lay Christian. Grace and Peace.


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